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Thursday 25 January 2018

5 Things That Got Me Through January

The 25th marks not only Burns’ Night (I shall belatedly raise a glass of whiskey with friends this weekend) but also that exactly one month has passed since Christmas. Wow. How did that happen?

As January comes to a close next week, it’s a fitting time for reflection on the past month. In truth, I don’t think the clichĂ©d language we apply to the beginning of the year – January Blues, Blue Monday, etc – is necessarily helpful. It can often seem daunting and I wish there was a drive for more positive connotations for what is often a challenging month.

No, I am not suggesting we shrug off the difficulties the month brings and laud it as ‘Happy January’ (an alternative phrase for the 31st December, perhaps) but it is hard to feel optimistic about a month when it is so often associated with unhappiness.

January is a difficult month. Lack of daylight, bitterly cold, early mornings and persistent guilt that you haven’t quite realised your ‘New Year, new me’ self, not to mention a financial hangover from the gluttonous spoils and excess of Christmas are all contributing factors. But – breathe – the month is almost over. You made it.

Feeling low, and that I’d ‘wasted’ the month, I sat down to write a list of all the things that have made January great so far. On reflection, seeing memories I had made or seemingly inconsequential things that had made me smile on paper offered some perspective. I have laughed a lot this month, more than I realised, something that can quite often be overshadowed with the enormity of the ‘bigger picture’ of a daunting month.

Let’s focus on the positives as the month comes to an end. Make a list and celebrate your personal triumphs, no matter how insignificant they may seem. If something put a smile on your face I’d say that’s a win.

Here are the five things that have got me through January. What are yours?

Conversations with friends
Nothing beats the surprise of hearing your phone buzzing, glancing down, expecting to see an incoming sales call, but instead being greeted by your friend’s ugliest Snapchat to date (which you promised you wouldn’t screenshot and set as their contact photo) and spending the next hour having a spontaneous catch-up. So much of our communication now is done behind a screen and there’s something charming about picking up the phone and asking someone close what’s going on with their life.

Throwback playlists
Perusing my Spotify account recently, the sheer volume of playlists left untouched since my undergraduate days intrigued me – as did their names: Power Hour/GraduOcean Pres/Cocktail Night Partayyy, to name but a few. They provided the soundtrack to that day, an eclectic mix of tropical house, 00s indie and unapologetically cheesy hits. Revisiting old playlists was a welcome dose of nostalgia and may have prompted me to book a ticket back to the city I called home for three years for a reUNIon…

Wearing a silly hat for the day
I couldn’t possibly post the five things that made me smile in January and not include the delightful weekend of my MA graduation. It was a wonderful day to celebrate (with lots of fizz and food, of course) the achievement that some of my closest friends and I have worked so hard towards.

I was apprehensive. Spending half an hour reverting to my childhood and scribbling on a page was not at the top of my to-do list. I will eat my words and say I was wrong (my boyfriend will attest that is not a phrase I use often). I have been pleasantly surprised by the therapeutic calmness that comes from spending time focused on something creative in the name of self-care.

Solo missions
One lazy day, I was sat about to hit the ‘yes’ button when Netflix asked if I was still there. Uncharacteristically, I shut down my laptop and set off to enjoy a solo day of culture. I started off with Somerset House’s ‘North: Fashioning Identity’ exhibition, followed by a brisk walk along the South Bank to explore the Tate Modern and National Theatre. There’s something wonderfully liberating about a spontaneous day exploring alone, and it’s something I’ll definitely endeavor to do more of in 2018. 

Do let me know what has put a smile on your face so far this year!

NG <3


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